Affiliate Program

Our Affiliate Partnership Program. This is your opportunity to transform your community, website, blog, or social media channel into a profitable venture, generating passive income effortlessly.

Join The ETX Team

Affiliates at ETX Funding earn commissions of up to 15%!

How Our Affiliate Program Works

We firmly believe that the most effective way to grow in the Trading Industry is through word of mouth & collaboration. This creates an opportunity for an additional income stream for those that decide to participate in our Affiliate Program and refer traders to our platform. Our 4 Tier System allows dedicated affiliates to be incentivized more for their continued commitment to ETX Funding. Happy Selling!

Our Affiliate Program Consists Of 4 Tiers

Tier 1: Rookie

You will start with the Standard Commission Level of 8% for referrals 1-50!

Tier 2: Pro

Your Commission Level increases to 10% for referrals 51-150!

Tier 3: Veteran

Your Commission Level increases to 12% for referrals 151-300!

Tier 4: Hall of Fame

Your Commission Level increases to 15% for referrals 300 & on!

Affiliate Commission Projections

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